Blockchain Network

Learn about the distributed ledger that serves as the backbone of the Block Safe ecosystem.

Welcome to the heart of Block Safe - our Blockchain Network. This is the distributed ledger that serves as the backbone of our ecosystem, powering every transaction, every Connection, and every interaction.

The SRS Blockchain

The Sirius Sync Blockchain is more than just a distributed ledger; it's a transaction-optimised, EVM-compatible powerhouse. Designed specifically for the ecosystem, this network, in tandem with our $SRS Coin, ensures lightning-fast, virtually fee-free transactions.

With a staggering 35k TPS, our blockchain is built to handle the influx of millions of Users transitioning into the web3 world. It's not just about speed; it's about facilitating efficient, trustless exchanges of value through smart contracts and oracles.

Testnet, Mainnet Alpha & Mainnet Beta Campaigns

Our commitment to robustness and reliability will be demonstrated through our Testnet, Mainnet Alpha and Mainnet Beta campaigns. These campaigns allow us to test and refine our network, ensuring it's ready to handle real-world usage. They are crucial steps in our journey towards a fully decentralised web3 social ecosystem.

SRS Blockchain Explorer

Transparency is key in the world of blockchain, and that's where the SRS Blockchain Explorer comes in. Think of it as your personal search engine for everything happening on the Sirius Sync network.

From tracking transactions and wallet activities to interacting with smart contracts, the SRS Blockchain Explorer gives you a window into the inner workings of our network. It's not just about viewing; it's about engaging, interacting, and understanding the Sirius Sync ecosystem better.

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